Only 4% of gamers can get 100% on this quiz

Are you a real gamer? Do you really know the difference between Battlefield or Call of Duty? Take the quiz and find out if you are a gamer or a pretender.

Question 1 of 16.

Which of these games was released last?

Centipede 1980, Gauntlett 1985, Street Fighter 1987, Ghouls and Ghosts 1988

Question 2 of 16.

Who created the DayZ mod?

Question 3 of 16.

Complete the title of this game, Escape from

1. los-angeles
2. tarkov
3. manhatten
4. new-york
Question 4 of 16.

What game series introduced Gordon Freeman?

1. watchdogs
2. tomb-raider
3. assassins-creed
4. half-life
Question 5 of 16.

Which of these is a ship from Star Citizen?

1. constellation-agripa
2. cutlass-black
3. freelander
4. dragonfly-yellowcoat
Question 6 of 16.

Arma 3 is a Battle Simulator developed by which company?

1. electronic-arts
2. ubisoft
3. bohemia-interactive
4. unisoft
Question 7 of 16.

What year did Doom first launch on PC?

1. between-1990-and-1993
2. between-1986-and-1989
3. between-2001-and-2004
4. between-1980-and-1984
Question 8 of 16.

Hideo Kojima is Famous for creating the Metal Gear Franchise. Which one of these games did he also have a hand in?

1. steam
2. splinter-cell
3. metal-gear-cherry-mx
4. snatcher
Question 9 of 16.

Which of these is a real game character?

1. marcus-deenix
2. mark-deenix
3. mark-pheonix
4. marcus-fenix
Question 10 of 16.

What game series is David Braben best known for?

1. fable
2. wing-commander
3. star-citizen
4. elite
Question 11 of 16.

What was the sub heading for Battlefield 2?

1. none-of-the-above-it-didnt-have-a-sub-heading
2. bad-boys
3. bad-blood
4. bad-company

Were you thinking of Battlefield, Bad Company 2?

Question 12 of 16.

Who kills John Marston?

1. the-covenant
2. the-government
3. his-gang
4. the-russians
Question 13 of 16.

Which of these titles is not a game?

1. rainbow-islands
2. pimp-tight
3. fall-of-the-enders
4. spy-hunter
Question 14 of 16.

Which Game Features an Orange and Blue Portal that you can travel between to complete puzzles?

1. portal
2. serious-sam
3. skynet-rising-portal-to-the-past
4. portal-knights
Question 15 of 16.

What sport was featured in IK+?

1. boxing
2. karate
3. kick-boxing
4. kung-fu
Question 16 of 16.

Which of these images is from Conan Exiles?

Next question 1 of 16

All 16 questions completed!

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Only 4% of gamers can get 100% on this quiz

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